toyota tough
Brave the Untamed
Every Stage of the 2024 Absa Cape Epic features one section of the route designated as Toyota Tough. The challenge presented by these singletracks are off-set by the Toyota Tough videos, filmed by Craig Kolesky and presented by Oliver Munnik – with the aid of a series of professional riders. Keep reading to discover each day’s tough terrain and be sure to watch the full 2024 route video too!

Route Director's Tip
Don’t think you’ve done it all in Hermanus. We made the stage a little shorter but that’s so we could add more of the good stuff in the Hemel en Aarde valley – some superb singletrack awaits the riders. Some familiar, some fresh. They’re linked with some ‘Absa Cape Epic-specific’ trails that are unrideable outside of the event. Take note… steep climbs and long, technical descents.